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5 Way To Get More Traffic Through the optimizing your blogger images

In this tutorial i will explain how to to get more traffic through the optimizing your blogger images use image for better “seo” and page ranking in search engine result, every blogger “optimize image” before publishing blogger blog post, image optimization really work to improve blog traffic,see smiler post “How To improve blogger search result” lost of user search image from Google search result,to use them image into their blog post , if you optimize your image as well as then you can get many benefit, one of them bring “traffic  from your image” to your website, are you know image are very important theses day, specially for blog post; because “image optimization” explain complex information, and they generate more social media shear then post are without image,there for today I’m writing this tutorial, the following tutorial will help you to “optimize your image” so you can bring more traffic.

Optimize Your Image for Better SEO



Trick #1   Select Best Format of image

In image lots of format like a PNG; JPEG; GIF etc, but use always better format of image; JPEG is the good one, because it have less size memory,it will help you to get more traffic

Trick #2 Use Keyword in image name

we are download many images from Google search result or any other website, and directly use them into our blog;but it’s not good way, first change image name with keyword related to your article , for example if i use image in this post i will give the image name “image-optimization”  or any other related to this on .

Trick #3  Compress image

Always compress image before uploading into your blog,compressing the image help to make your page loaded faster, you can compress image in IrfanView just download this software, this software is less then 1MB,to download type in Google IrfanView and download it, after download click on the image in menu bard and select image resize.

Trick #4  Optimize image file name

When you give the image name with keywords neither use blank space nor underscore ( _ ) between them. Always use hyphen to separate the keywords,because when you use space between the “image keyword” it will be automatically convert into ‘%20‘ which have no meaning.

Trick #5  Use ALT tag and Title tag in image

Title tag and alt tag are very important,because if you are upload image in your blog blog, or website you can see image will be display on website or blog, But search engine robot do not understand what the image about,because you have to add alternative text to blogger image to “optimize images”
For example : I’m writing an article about “Blogger Image Optimization” i have use this image in my post the image link is below  throgh

<img alt=”optimize-images-seo-increase-blog-traffic” border=”0″ src=”” height=”210″ title=”6 way to incress blogg trffic through the  optimizing image ” width=”320″ />

use image in your blog post like this with your own keywords related to your post

<img alt=”alt tag with keyword” border=”0″ src=”image link” height=”210″ title=” your image title” width=”320″ />


  • Now Change the green color highlighted text with your own keywords related to your image and post
  • Change the red color highlighted text with your own image link
  • Change the sky blue color highlighted text with your image title related to your post

That’s all

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