Alexa Ranking Alexa Ranking

How To Improve your Alexa Ranking Quickly

Are you searching for the best guide to Improve Alexia Ranking Quickly  so today we will discuss How To Improve Alexa Ranking Quickly.Alexia is the big factor when blogger want to sell direct advertisement from their own blog, because advertiser direct contact blogger owners which got good Alexia ranking Basically Alexia is the Web Informational Company,the blog Alexa Rank is based upon the traffic that they receive on their blog,but Alexa rank is totally opposite of Google Page Rank because Google page rank show the site link quality improve your blog search result through  the optimizing your blog images  and other one Alexia Rank show site popularity and traffic status


Improve Your Blog Alexa Rank Quickly

there are few tips for you to improve your Alexia rank quickly


Instal Alexa Tool Bar

Instal Alexia Tool bar to your browser Alexia Add one available for Google chrome,Firefox browser instal this tool bar to your browser to improve your Alexia Ranking quickly because anyone see the your web page with Alexia tool bar installed browser Alexia count this number of page viewed if your are writing some post and you have installed Alexia tool bar if you click on the page preview Alexia also count it with number of page viewed so i highly recommend you to instal Alexia Tool Bar in your browser By Going Here


Claim Your Site on Alexa

Claim your blog or website on Alexia it will also increase and improve your Alexia Ranking give Alexia confident about you that your owner of the domain name claiming your site work like a verification proses so claim your site by Going Here

Update Blog Regularly

To improve your Alexia Rank update your blog regularly e minimum two-three post per week if you update your blog regularly you drive more traffic to your blog and it will increase your Alexia Rank

Publish Post on Social Networking Site

After publish your article you must share your article on social networking website sharing your article one social networking site page rank just follow to your blog article by the shared link

Commenting Backlinking

Comment and other blog is oldest way to get backlink from the niche blogs comment on other blogs that’s fall a smiler niche to your blog this will also increase your Alexia rank

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