SEO Checklist For Blogger

SEO checklist
Do you know Search Engine Optimization is a set of techniques used to in cress of visibility of your blog   in search engine

We will tell you the white hat tactics that helps bloggers rank higher than millions of other sites.

Off page SEO

Submit your blog to high authority web directories like technorati, yahoo, best of web, boingboing and other your niche related directories. Never submit to low quality directories, this is very bad for your seo campaign. Here’s the list of best seo directories list by seomoz.

Write original content. This has no substitute. With all these animal attacks like panda and penguin, original content has become all the more important.

Pagerank is another important factor that gives authority to your blog and increases your seo

Although, there is an unending debate about the importance of pagerank in search engine algo., you should look forward in getting some backlink from your niche website. Writing a guest post, asking your friend bloggers to link to your website and the best of all writing good and unique content. Below is the seo pagerank chart that will help you understand how a page is given a pagerank.


With the changing trends in search engine optimization, presence and authority on social media network can be very helpful in your seo campaign. Read these tactics to understand more on
social media and seo. Automating your new post to auto publish on social networks could prove to be a great strategy. and are two free services that will help you in doing this. 


Do the basics. Verify your site in Google and bing webmaster. Submit your sitemap to these search engines. Carefully read Google webmaster guidelines checklist and stick to it.

Navigation is one of the most important on-page optimization. You have to make sure that your site has a crawlable link structure. Every page should be reached within 4 clicks from homepage, 2 is better for seo. Prepare two sitemaps- 1 for users and 1 for search engines. Submit your XML sitemap to search engine and prepare well structured HTML sitemap for users. HTML sitemap should be simple and easy, not all search engine can crawl drop-down, java-script and images navigation. Using breadcrumbs is another step to maintain your navigation.

Use targeted keyword phrase at least once at the beginning of your post, in post title, once in heading tags (h1, h2, h3 …), at least once in bold/strong or italic, better if used in image alt, used variation of keywords like smart, smarter, smartest…, keep the keyword density around 1-6%, try not to disturb the phrase word order like (My name is X-man) (X-man is my name), keyword in outgoing links.
No-follow all links to bad neighborhood or spammers. Do not no-follow links to prestigious high authority sites like Wikipedia.

Search engine optimization for images. Include your keyword in alt text and name of your image. Do not stuff keywords in it, be smart – look original. Keyword near the images and image freshness are some other factors that will help. Always separate the space between your image name with (-). Example : a-lovely-place.

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