Create A Free Blog On Blogspot Create A Free Blog On Blogspot

How to Create A Free Blog On Blogspot


Having a blog is a great thing, because you can share anything you like, and if you are wise you can also earn a decent income from your blog.

I have written about many tips tricks blogging that you can use to create a blog for yourself. One of my favorite methods for creating a blog is to use your own domain and hosting, while creating your blog via WordPress.

We have talked a lot about self-hosted WordPress blogs , and there is no doubt that this presents a better blogging platform when compared to free blogging platforms like and However, many newbies who want to start blogging don’t want to make an initial investment of funds to create a blog, and this is reasonable.

There are many blogging platforms which offer users the ability to create free blogs. If you are looking for free blog creation, my suggestion would be to start blogging from or Once you have some blogging experience, you can advance and become more professional with your self-hosted WordPress blog.

BlogSpot allows you to create a free blog, but it does have some limitations. However, as I mentioned above, for a beginner it is a good way to learn to create a blog and to begin the blogging process.

Before I begin the complete tutorial, there are a couple of things you should know:

First, BlogSpot is a blogging platform by Google. It offers you an opportunity to start a blog, though all your images will be hosted by Picasa which is also part of Google. BlogSpot, then, is a Google-centric blogging platform

  • First You have G mail account, If not then Create A New G mail Account from here.
  •  After that go to And log in with your G mail ID & Password.
  • Then in Blogger dashboard  Click New Blog Bottom
  •  Name & Address Your Blog by Entering Title, address 
  • Choose The Template from Dynamic View,Simple Picture Window & Many More Templates Are Available.
  • Then Create Blog Button To Continue   
  • Your Blog has Been Created Start Posting To Your Content 


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