Best website Builder Tools Best website Builder Tools

How To Choose Best website Builder

Designing websites have become so easy Websites needn’t always be complicated affairs and many tools today aim to bring the creation process to a wider audience than just those who can code. They haven’t always had an easy ride, but website builders such as   Wix and Squarespace are very highly regarded these days,

Lots of website builder platforms are making huge money from sites like Wix and WordPress. WordPress is the more popular choice because it’s an open-source platform so developers can make money from creative plugins. However, even with cool platforms making things easier, you still want to make sure you have made the right choice. For example, how cool would it be to use a platform where you can tweak the font, theme, layout, and menu within seconds.

there are  lots of tools available to designers for creating websites have evolved a lot over the years. As trends and technologies change rapidly, the plethora of different approaches for designing, publishing, and managing websites can be overwhelming.

Site builders typically require no coding, and give you a range of pre-designed templates or themes to pick from to start out. You can then customize the designs to varying degrees, depending on the tool.

Many designers have shied away from website builders in the past, because they’re far too restrictive on design customization, with cookie-cutter templates that don’t allow for much creative liberty. That’s quickly changing, though – people are demanding more flexibility and control, and newer tools are responding to this need with innovative solutions for designers.

Also Read :  How To Create WordPress Blog Beginner’s Guide

Today, I’ll be going over some important things that’s you have to know when choosing a website builder. I’ve used several of them during my career online . Let’s get started.



Platforms offer you a lot of flexibility, but some will charge you an arm and a leg to join. When you’re starting out, you might not have the financial backing to pay the monthly fee. For this reason, I use WordPress because it’s free and you have a lot of customization options. Think about cost the next time you join a site builder platform. Keep in mind, when you join and build a massive site with traffic, you’ll be a customer of that platform for a long time. You want to make sure you can afford the monthly costs.


By this I mean you have the flexibility to build whatever type of website you want. You shouldn’t be limited to just a handful of niches, but to design a site fulfilling your dreams. For example, if you want to become a celebrity blogger, then you should be able to design this type of blog with no problem. You shouldn’t have to jump around a change platforms because there are restrictions on the type of blogger you can be.


Choose a site builder that’s different from all the others so you get that competitive edge over everyone else. For example, everyone using the same builder will give everyone the same opportunities. However, if you choose one that gives you additional features, then you can really stand out compared to your competition. Research what makes some better than others and find out which one of your competitors are using the same platform. Find ways to build a site which is unique and customized to meet your demands.


One of the most important things I’ve loved and hated about site builders is the interface. Some platforms make it so easy for you to drag & drop elements while others require you to do more. You must keep in mind that many people starting off a website don’t know anything about coding so you want to make the design process easy. Before choosing to stick with a site builder, it’s important you check out the interface and see how comfortable you feel. The easier you are using the interface, the better your website will look because you’ll feel comfortable trying different things.

Preview Mode

Editing is easiest when you can preview your web pages prior to publishing. Make sure you select a builder that allows you to preview the web page as it will appear published.


When shopping around for the right website creator, read customer reviews. Reviews tell way more about a company than just the content on its website, and this is no different in the website builders’ world.

Customer Support

 If one-on-one support is important to you, make sure you select a builder with dedicated account representatives. You may have to pay extra for this, but if you have questions on the fly, it’s worth it!

Text Window

 It’s important to easily view your text on your website creator, so make sure you choose a website creator with a very large text box.

Reputable Company

Building a site takes time, and over time it will continue to grow. You want to make sure the platform you choose is reputable and will be around for years. For example, some platforms are amazing, but they can’t sustain the growth so shut down after a few years. This means you’ll lose all your progress too. Do your research beforehand and find a site builder which has been around for years, and has had steady growth. Talk to people and ask questions about why that site builder is popular and what makes them different.

You can Start using website builder like wix &  strikingly  or search on Google for “website builders”, and go through checking out the interface. I would recommend WordPress because it’s free, and you have the customization flexibility.



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