How To Add Twitter Fan Box In Blogger

Twitter Fan Box

In this article you will learn how to add Twitter fan box this is help you to connect your followers
Just like Facebook fan box Friends Twitter is the best social network like Facebook. After Facebook is the Twitter whose Alexa Traffic rank is also very good. Current Alexa rank of Twitter is 10. So there is no doubt that Twitter is the one of the great social networks We all know that social networks plays an important role in our life. Social networks are also useful for Website and Blogs. If your Blog have great number of Twitter Fans then it is the plus point for you To add this fan box just follow these step

1.log in to you account

2.Click on the layout on the Add gadget HTML/JAVASCRIPT

5.Copy the Below code and past it 

<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>
<div id=”twitterfanbox”>
<script type=”text/javascript”>fanbox_init(“nafisflahi“);</script>

6.Replace the nafisflahi with your twitter username 
7.Save it

you are done follow me on Twitter 

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