How To Add Beautiful Facebook Like Box To Your Blog

 Facebook Like Box

Adding Facebook Like box in Blogger blog is very useful widget for making your website more stylish, But it makes your blog some heavy, If you need this than so today we are including more tutorial which is related to Facebook widget that is How to add Beautiful Facebook like box in Blogger, Now blogging is fashion, Mostly had a blogspot account, Every one wanna their blogs so attractive and stylish so they always add something new and more beautiful widget on their blogs,
Fb like button also popular with developers. There are many Facebook like a button.

so in this article you will learn how to add Beautiful Facebook like box in your blog add your Facebook fan page box in your blog to increase your fan page likes we are know blogging has become a trend now a days online. Every blogger want there blog attractive and stylish so they always add something new and more beautiful widgets in there blogs.Today I am going to share a very easy and simple way to put a Beautiful Facebook like box
to add this jut follow these step

  • Log in to you Account
  • Clikc on the layout
  • click on the add gadget
  •  Copy the below code and past it 

    .NFFBv2{width:280px; height:200px; border-radius:3px; position:relative; padding:5px 10px 15px 0; background:#fbfbfb; border:1px solid #cecece}
    .NFFBv2:before{background:#fbfbfb; border:1px solid #cecece; content:””; position:absolute; bottom:-3px; left:2px; right:2px; height:1px}
    .NFFBv2:after{background:#fbfbfb; border:1px solid #cecece; content:””; position:absolute; bottom:-5px; left:4px; right:4px; height:1px}
    <div class=”NFFBv2″>
    <iframe src=”//” style=”border:none; overflow:hidden; width:287px; height:210px;” ></iframe>

  • Replace the nafisflahi with your Facebook username
  • finally Save it 

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