Hide Links From Blogger Blog Hide Links From Blogger Blog

How To Hide Links From Blogger Blog Comments


Blog spamming is a hard issue to become considered by every webmaster or blogger. Spam blogs can be kicked faraway from search engines. So website commenting plays a significant role within developing inbound links. So it has been a habit in order to develop backlinks for several of new bloggers. I propose go intended for guest submitting on other blogs. There are various steps to stop your website from been spammed. Every new blogger try to comment their blog links in order to develop their website linking within alexa and develop page ranking. This may can harm the blogs they are commenting as well as their blogs too. So today I am going to share a tutorial by which you can completely hide backlinks in comments on your blogger blog and protect it from Spamming.

Why You Hide Link From Blogger Comment Box

A lot of bloggers comments on many different blogs. Beneficial habit. But how? ” nice post”, “thanks regarding sharing”, “good article”. Does this enable you to? No, no with no. I was one who did it in my start. Do you understand google also considers keywords in comments sections. So choosing best niche and tagging your web site to a best keyword would help in great search visibility. But this made most of online bloggers to hide link in thoughts section. yes these people do. Because of unrelated niches. Web designing niches should discuss web designing marketers only. So keep this specific in mind if you want to include a hyperlink to your site it always advisable to Change blogger comment attribute nofollow or remove comments link completely You can hide all you comment box link using the jQurey or CSS
I’m posting there tow ways to hide or remove comment links from your blogger blog comment box let’s start How To Hide Links From Blogger Blog Comments


  • Log in you account-Template-Edit html
  • Find the  ]]></b:skin> and copy the below code
  •  Past the below code jut above  ]]></b:skin>

.comment-content a {
display: none;

Second Way

  • Log in you account-Template-Edit HTML
  • Find </body>
  • Copy the below code and past above this code </body>

<script src=’https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js’/&gt


  • If you have already using jQurey  then skip this step
  • Copy the following code and past above </body> tag

$(‘.comment-content a[rel$=nofollow]’).replaceWith(function(){return ($(this).text());});

I Hop this post is helped you please share this post with your friends

  1. Thank you for the wonderful post.

    I kinda get vexed when I see a comment on my blog with more than 3 links and I can’t edit it… I have been deleting those spammy comments. Thank you for this best solution.

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