Blogger About Me Widget with Follow Me Button

Google+ i con

In this article i will explain How To Add Blogger About Me Widget with Follow Me Button after the linking your personal Google+ profile with your blog will automatically change the old Blogger Profile widget on your blog to the new About Me widget with a follow button. If your blog has more than one author, the widget will appear as the “Blogger contributors widget” instead of the “About Me” widget. The widget appears by default on Blogger mobile templates.

Having the widget on your blog makes it easier for others to access your profile and follow you on Google+ by clicking on the profile widget and the “View my Complete profile ” link. This may increase your blog’s discoverability and make it easier to form communities with other bloggers and readers.

                   How To Add Blogger About Me Widget with Follow Me Button

To display your profile gadget on your blog with a Google+ follow button:

==> Log in to Blogger dashboard
==> Go to the Google+ tab to link your blog to your G+ profile
==> Once linked successfully, go to Layout and click “Add a Gadget
==> Scroll down and select “Profile
==> Enter your desired title eg “Author” and SAVE.

If you have a team blog (with more than one author), your Blogger Profile gadget will automatically turn into a contributors-list gadget. In this case, you will have to remove the widget and replace it with HTML gadget containing the code of your personal Google+ badge
similar to the one below:

Follow Me in Google+

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