7 Killer Ways to Multiply Traffic 7 Killer Ways to Multiply Traffic

7 Killer Ways to Multiply Traffic and Revenue with Your Blog

Experts say that it is easy to create a blog but it is tough to make it stand out from the crowd and get lots of traffic to your site. Over the years, blogs like Moz have achieved over a million visitors every month and they have helped other blogs in the process too. However, simply building a blog is not enough as you also need to master the art of increasing the traffic of the blog through link building, content creation, and outreach. We’ve all gone through that moment of hitting the ‘publish’ button and expecting a storm of likes and comments and then getting nothing! Only to soon find out that no one has read what we just spent a long time creating.

With regards to company blogs, this phenomenon keeps repeating and it is not tough to see why. In most niche markets you have to compete with hundreds (or even thousands) of other blogs for gaining the attention of the same audience and you need to have something really phenomenal in order to gain attention. You need serious money and time to make great content.


If you’re looking for some killer advice on how to profit from your blog, here are some that you may consider.

  1. Share things more than once

    An expert has noticed that companies don’t share the content of their blog as many times as they should share. Most of the bloggers have a tendency of sharing once and then forgetting about it. They publish something on their blog and disburse it through the social media sites only once. Do you think about those people who have missed the first share? Therefore, a much better solution is to share each post more than once, depending on the social media platform that you’re using. This will double your traffic to your blog.

  2. Ask people who influence you to write for you

    Matthew Barby says that this is indeed a useful tactic. In case you actually want your audience to grow, the key to success is to get some of the influencers to write on your behalf. For this, you have to get in touch with the bloggers who belong to the same niche but have huge social fan following. Request them to become contributors to your blog so that you can boast of high-quality content. One more thing to note is that you will not only get exceptional content for your blog but you can also get a new distribution channel as in the social network of the influence.

  3. Give Something to Download for Free

    I love free stuff, don’t you? A good way to gain readership and make your blog popular is to give free stuff to the public. It can be almost anything; an eBook, a WordPress theme, some popular tools or even free online class. Based on the experience from my other blogs, people love free things especially when they are premium and valuable.

    There are several PLR contents that you could give away to your readers. Whatever you decide to give, make sure it is worth downloading. Ask yourself, would you download it yourself? If you wouldn’t download the free stuff yourself, you can’t expect others to download it either. Quality matters my friend and if your stuff is good, people will just keep coming.

  4. Try to be in sync with the Hummingbird

    During the era of the Hummingbird update, there are too many chances to optimize your content for the most important synonyms. If you write New York coffee shops, you should also include NYC cafes within the text and you can be sure of ranking for NYC cafes due to the Hummingbird update. Hence, you got to find out the synonyms for the targeted keywords, recognize the keywords with high search volume and then include them within your content.

  5. Link Love

    One of the best ways to get your blog noticed is to trade links with other bloggers in the same niche. There are multiple ways you can approach a blogger or an author and request for a link love. You can email them (make sure you don’t spam), you can comment on their blog post and request and of course add them on your Facebook and discuss about it. I personally do not do this right now because google doesn’t give much value to such links.

    The best way to get link love is through guest blogging as mentioned earlier. Try creating some great blog posts in some popular blogs and you will get both traffic and quality backlinks.

  6. Write your tweet text in the best way

    You also need to ensure writing the tweet text in the best way possible. Your default tweet text should be optimized in such a manner that is boosts users to click on it. It has been found out through a survey that 75% of the company blogs don’t take benefit from it. Don’t make the blunder of including the entire title tag instead of only the title of the post.

  7. Contribute to other sites through guest blogging:

    With hundreds of millions of blogs on the internet, there is a never ending supply of content that is needed to keep them all fresh and updated. This leaves for an excellent opportunity for you to start guest blogging and contributing content to other authority sites in your niche. The benefit here is that the site owner gets free content, and as the writer, your site and name will get mentioned in front of a new audience and you may get some linkbacks and traffic to your site as well.

Content creation is great, but if you want to increase traffic and revenue to your site on a continuing basis, be sure to implement each of the tips and methods above.

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