Youtube Ranking Youtube Ranking

Youtube: SEO Tips For YouTube Videos Search Rank Higher

Are you searching for how to rank videos in YouTube  because We  all know that youtube is second biggest search engine on the planet after google, it generates an estimate 92 billion page view each month which also provides huge traffic to different websites and blogs, and about  35 hours of video are uploaded every minute.

Youtube also offers you to monetize your videos content, if you are getting enough view you can make good money from your youtube videos.

But uploading a video is not enough to get views on Youtube until you are a big brand or company like a music company or celebrity, we normally create video like entertaining video, tutorials, tips and other niche videos, and upload it to youtube, these videos also need to be great in quality and should have unique content into it to get fair views.

Your video is uploaded on Youtube and your are not getting views? Think that why any one is going to watch your videos or your video will be found into search result. Youtube videos also need to be seo optimized in order to get ranking into search result, I assume that you have nice content and you will share and promote your video to get inorganic views.

Read- How To Play Any YouTube Video With VLC Media Player

Tips for making your Youtube Videos Search friendly

Before I share these tips, you need to understand that Youtube have their own algorithm to rank a video. Even if you are buying inorganic youtube traffic, it will not ensure that you will rank higher organically. One of the known factor of ranking Youtube video is, view-time. If a user starts watching your video, and quit in first few seconds, your ranking is mostly likely to go down. So, I assume you already working hard on creating compelling Youtube videos, and using an eye-catchy thumbnail to get more CTR from related and embedded videos.

 1.  Title of the video – Use Keywords

Video title is the name of your video by which one can know that what is inside your video, having title which perfectly match to your video content will be very friendly to viewer and also to the youtube algorithm for seo, give the suitable title to your video here is the ways by which you can get seo optimizes title for video-

A)- Take advantage of search engine auto complete feature, if your video is about something which you think people will search on google like tech tutorials , then use auto complete feature of google

Here you can notice that I have typed few keywords and google is suggesting me to check all these results, this is because these are most searched queries regarding your keywords, you can put the suggested query by google as your video title  this will give you good ranking on google search.

B)- If your video content is about something which you think people can search it on youtube like music video or live tutorials  then take advantage of youtube auto complete feature .

Put your video title according to your keyword by taking advantage of youtube search auto complete.

2. Description of video.

Write description about your video content, first 2-3 lines matters a lot to rank your video high in search engine, give a short description in 2-3 line which cover the theme of your video and what is going to be inside the video. you can also use search engine auto complete keyword phrases as your description. If the searched keyword is matching in  first 2 line of your video description then video will get higher ranking.

In above image you can see that my search keyword is matching to the video description which is in the first two lines, using long tail keyword as your video description will amazingly rank your video .

3 . Length of Video
YouTube is constantly updating their search algorithm to a deliver better user experience. When the platform first launched, aggregate video views were heavily incorporated into the ranking decision (i.e. the more views your video got, the higher it would rank).

This left the door wide open for IP blockers, click farming and a terrible user experience. YouTube quickly got smart and changed their algorithm to take engagement factors into account. While aggregated clicks are still counted, the following metrics also play a heavy role:

  • Number of comments your video receives.
  • Total seconds users spend watching your video.
  • Number of likes your video receives.
  • Number of times your video is shared on social media.
  • Number of times your video is on other websites.

These added metrics forced YouTubers to create videos with better, more engaging content in order satisfy the algorithm.

Although there is no official guidance on how long you should make your videos but I always suggest making your videos at least two minutes in length.

The rationale is simple: the more seconds you can keep a user on your video, the better your videos will rank. Therefore, having videos with more length will add to the total seconds users spend on your videos.

4. Naming your video file before upload.

You have created and edited your video and it is ready to upload on youtbe, but you rendered your video file  as mov001.avi or random_name.mp4, make sure you rename your video as your_keyword.mp4, naming your video file as your focused keyword actually tells the search engine that what can be inside your video, Search engines cannot look inside video content this is the file name which tells search algorithm that what  your video is about to.

Having video file name as your video title helps search engine to easily index video and it gets higher ranking. So put your targeted keyword into video file name.

5. Use closed caption (CC)  feature in your video on youtube.

Use closed caption feature of youtube, this will shows your text over the video which helps viewer to understand your video narration and can be translated into different languages, upload transcript of video,  actually transcript contain the text of what was said into video, youtube’s new algorithm automatically convert your voice into transcript which makes easier to activate it or you can also write closed caption if your video doesn’t contain voice.

Using closed caption gives video a new way to get index into search engine since it has keyword written in there, also write your transcript into video description doing this makes your video keyword rich which is very friendly to the search engines. You can also take advantage of service like captions for Youtube, to create captions for your uploaded Youtube videos.

6.  Tagging & Keyword research for YouTube video.

Tags are another important way to get ranking in youtube search, here are few tips to put tags in your video-

  • List specific tags first :-  Write your main keyword first, doing this will put weight in algorithms.
  • List general tags :- Write general and matching keyword (Example-  If your main keyword is “Shoutmeloud” then general tags can be “Blogging tips”  ,” Blogger widget”, like something ).
  • Also include misspelling of your  tags :- Like if you have keyword “Real SEO” then also put “Reeal SEO”  How you know peoples are searching for you, go to youtbe analytics and check for Traffic resources.
  • Include singular and plural of you tags, like if your keyword is ” Tattoo Art” then also put ” Tattoo Arts”,  and separate your keyword into different tags like ” Tattoo”  & “Art”.
  • Include Phrase into tags such as your long tail keywords.

Keyword Research for Youtube Videos.

Getting keyword idea is one of the important part of SEO, you cannot think all possible keywords to include in your video, here I’m using Google Display Planner tool to get keyword ideas, basically google has two such tool Keyword Planner and Display Planner, I recommend you to use Display Planner in order to get relevant keywords.

Display Planner not only gives you huge number of keywords, but also provide insight of searched keyword, download this ad group ideas as excel file and include these keyword and phrase into your tags, title and description.

Having same targeted keyword in video tile, description and tag will surprisingly index and rank your videos in search engines.

By the end, it’s up to you on creating compelling and interesting Youtube videos. Specially when you are working on tutorial videos, you should focus on a target audience, and prepare your script targeting those audience. Do ensure that you ask your viewers to like and share your videos on favourite social-networking sites. Another good Youtube SEO tip for bloggers is to, embed your videos within blog post, as it will help you to get more views.

If you know of any other SEO tips for Youtube, feel free to share with us via comments. Don’t forget to share this useful resources with other Youtubers on your Facebook and Google plus profile

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