install wampserver install wampserver

How to Install WAMP Server on Windows

WAMP Server (Windows, Apache, mySQL, PHP) is all in one packages which installs the basic programs, you will need to get a localhost running and to be able to build and run PHP scripts and most important pasrt is Wamp Server is available for free (under GPML license) in two distinct versions : 32 and 64 bits
this is the fresh and new WampServer 2.5 d version installation guide. This WAMP server installation tutorial helps you to tune the server without the need of touching the configuration files. Once the WAMP server installation completes successfully, This will give you a server on your own PC , somewhere you can test your scripts like if you want to use WordPress then you must have to install this software . If you haven’t yet downloaded the Wamp Server software, you can download from Wamp Server official website 

Once you the download has completed you will need to launch it to start the installation process.



When you click next you will be asked to accept the license agreement. Basically it’s a GPL license you are free to do just about anything with it so you can go ahead and accept it.

The next step is to select where you would like to install WAMP Server . The default location will be c:wamp however you can change to which ever directory or partition you choose that please you.

After you choose your directory you will have the option to setup icons. If you noticed only one option is selected but you can select the best option for you like create a desktop wapm server icon or quick lunch icon .Once you decide on this click Next and then confirm the installation settings again by clicking Install.


Once the installation finish installing its files WAMP will detect which is your default browser at the moment but you can select no and navigate your way to any other browser of your choosing



if your Windows firewall pops up at this point make sure to grant Apache access.the next decision you will have to make is to set the PHP mail parameters. Most people leave this set to the defaults when setting up a testing server on their local computer. If you wish to configure it to connect to a SMTP server you may do so now all you need to do is click Next.

How To Install WampSever Video Tutorial

Congrats Wamp server is now installed on your computer please share it with your friends

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