Improve Your Page Rank Improve Your Page Rank

How To Improve Your Page Rank on Google

How to improve your page rank on google Page rank is calculated by Google, it is an algorithm. Page rank is the most important factor to be considered when ranking the websites in results of search by search engines. By considering the significance of the webpages placed on wed page rank will determine the importance of website. Higher the number of web pages and links, higher will be the page rank of that web site. There are many factors that will determine the number of backlinks contained and the page rank. A website owner must take care of his website design and other elements to increase his page rank. Some of the ways to increase page rank are listed here

Target the right keywords

One of the biggest mistakes that websites make is targeting the wrong keywords. Take the time to analyze the keywords that produce conversions and make you money. One way to do this is to have analytics software, like Google Analytics, installed on your website so that you can see how visitors are interacting and finding your site. Often business target broad, high-volume keywords that convert well, instead of ranking keywords based on multiples of volume, competitiveness and conversion rate.

Google Analytics is free and simple to use. After signing up for an account, you are given a JavaScript code that is placed on every page of your site. After verifying the code has been installed correctly, you should immediately start receiving insights into how visitors are arriving at your website, including which keywords that are causing them to engage (for example by making a purchase or writing a comment) and which pages are scaring them off.

Responsive Site Design

Internal linking plays a vital role while designing a website. Hence make sure all webpages in your site have link back to your home page. You can link pages in your website in any way it does not have much effect on your page, but care must be taken when linking your page to other pages. This will maximize the internal ranking with in the site and your website will get a high page rank. The navigation from one web page to other in the same domain should be easy and simple, but they help the web user to form the information hierarchy.

Locate references without links

Look for web pages that mention your business or website. Without a link back to your site, Google will not count the citation as a vote. You can use Google Alerts to create an automated notification, so that anytime a website mentions your business, you will receive an e-mail. You can then get in touch and ask them to provide a link back to your website.

Incoming Links

Improving the number of incoming links for a webpage will increase the rank of that website. Attaining back links from other websites is good thing that the search engine admires. Having large number of backlinks do not improve your page rank always. You should be aware of bad inbound links. The reason being search engines will penalize for poor quality links. Hire professionals from agency of internet marketing who will make this job easier. There are so many ways you can get high quality inbound links

Comment on different blogs
Make use of social media
Submit articles to other rich websites
Conduct online reviews and surveys
Maintain your blog

External Links

You should be careful when giving external links from your site to other sites. While designing your website’s home page, keep in mind you do not carry so many counters or appliances on it. The reason being those are all things that contain links to other people, hence it will help them to increase their page rank. It would be the best idea to provide links at the terms which the reader finds unknown while reviewing your site. The unknown terms are like liabilities, tax benefits guide, mutual fund, same day loans and so on. The factors to be considered before linking to other websites

Find the authority of the site
Exchange the links with sites that have high page rank
Before linking contact webmasters

ALT text on Images

If you have been placing images on your website without bothering to place ALT text, now is a good time to add them. An “ALT text” is just a way of putting a brief description (using words) of what your picture shows. They are needed by the software used by the blind so that they know what’s in the picture. Since all search engines, including Google, are essentially blind, relying on words, you can increase page views using image on you blog and one other thing they also need the ALT text. The description you give in the ALT text is treated like the words occurring on your web page, although I don’t know if they are regarded as being of equal importance.

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Optimizing your pages for Google

If you have established one or more links from other indexed sites to yours, your site will be visited by Googlebots.
Googlebots scan the content of your pages mainly by looking at the following items:

Page title
Meta description
All text on your page(s)
Links to other pages

All these items are of great importance because they should contain your important search keywords.
This is an important conceptual hurdle. The entire internet revolves around the choice of individual words. This process is constantly being refined. It is essential that you are Spartan and accurate whenever choosing your descriptive terminology: words. Try and put yourself in the minds of the people who will be looking for your site. What are the one or two words that they will focus on

How To Add SEO Meta Tags keywords Description to your blog

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