How To Add Awesome Sitemap widget to Blogger Blog


How To Add Awesome Sitemap widget to Blogger Blog in this post we will learn “How To add Awesome Sitemap to blogger blog”,adding sitemap or table of content is highly recommended for  blogger users,it’s no matter you are new blogger user or old because sitemap is help our reader to easily navigate our blog posts and it’s also improve our page rank of our blog,there for today I’m sharing “Awesome sitemap” this sitemap is automated site map which automatically add the latest post in sitemap page without touching,in this sitemap you can see the post categorize by label which is better for readers they can easily find the post in the “sitemap” page

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Awesome Sitemap For Blogger

This awesome sitemap widget is developed with JavaScript and css if you want to add this responsive sitemap to your blog then follow these steps


  • Go blogger dashboard >> Page
  • Create New Page >>Blank Page>> Give the title name
  • Click on the html behind the compose button and copy the below code and past it

<link href=”” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css”></link>
<script src=”” type=”text/javascript”></script>
<script src=”;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=loadtoc”>

Now change the withe your blog URL and publish the page you are done

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