install WordPress install WordPress

How To Install WordPress Locally on Wampserver

How To Install WordPress Locally on Wampserver  we are know WordPress is a fun blogging cms software, and if you are one of those who like to try new things on your WordPress blog or you are working any php project , it’s always a good idea to get a local installation of WordPress on your system. You can use it to try new WordPress plugin, making changes in your theme, install new theme and many more task.

There are many advantages of setting up a local server (localhost) and installing WordPress on localhost. If you are a developer or need to test different themes and plugins or any php script on a regular basis then you have to install local server machine on your computer you can install wampserver on your computer easily , installing WordPress on localhost could be a very effective solution for you.


In today’s post, I will show you how to install WordPress on localhost using WAMP server.

Install WordPress on Wampserver

Download a copy of WordPress from Extract the zip file and copy the wordpress folder. Go to C:\wamp\www and paste wordpress folder there. You can rename the wordpress folder to anything you want such as alshibli_nafis blogger, wordpress etc.
we renamed our wordpress directory to alshibli_nafis blogger.

  • Start WAMP and start all the services by left clicking on it in the task bar or where you create short icon of WAMP server
  • Now open a web browser and go to


and create a database for your WordPress install

  •  Open http://localhost/ecnologiablogger  and click on create a configuration file.

Now Enter the details as mentioned.

  • Database name : Database name you have created
  • Username : ualshibli_nf (default username for localhost is ualshibli_nf)
  • Password : Leave it blank
  • database host : Keep it default (Localhost)
  • Database prefix : Keep it default (wp_)
  • Click on Submit. On next screen click on Run setup

On the next screen add Blog title and Email. Search visibility will not matter here as we are working on Local environment.

On the next page , enter the password and username and keep  your password and username  safe . Click on login and login with the password and username you was used at the installation.

You have just install WordPress locally on WAMP server  If you are stuck anywhere or find issue with installing WordPress using WAMP, do let me know via comments

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